By enacting GST in July 2017, the Indian Goods and services tax (GST) Council eliminated the myriad of taxes and tax rates that were in place on a variety of items.2 The council also eliminated the variable tax structure that applied to various varieties of biscuits as part of this tax reorganization; The same GST rate of 18% was applied to all varieties of biscuits, including mass-market biscuits priced below $1,004 per kilogram (kg) and mid-range and premium biscuits priced above $100 per kg. Before the introduction of the GST, mass-market cookies (i.e., cookies priced under 100 per kg) were subject to a tax rate of roughly 14%, while cookies priced above 100 per kg were subject to a 22 to 24% tax rate. Companies will be obliged to raise prices as a result of the growth in input costs and limited profit margins in the low-priced biscuit category. As it will be challenging to make any money in this market, biscuit companies won't be motivated to operate in the...